So, I got a job. I've been working a few days now and it's pretty good. I work at a skating rink called Skate Galaxy behind the skate rental or I'm a skate guarding some days. My idea was that if I like going there, why not work there? It's an easy job and mostly enjoyable, especially while skate guarding. You practically get an hour-long break where you get to skate around and just make sure everyone is obeying the rules. The worst part of the job would be cleaning bathrooms,and that's it. My schedule fluctuates, so there's no guarantee I'll be there if you ever decide to skate, but it would be cool to see people I know every once in a while. Ah, and with a job comes "being a light in the workplace." Funnily enough, the day Sweet Pea gave a devotion on this topic was the first day I started work. It's like there was some...reason for it... *wink*wink.* Anyways, things are looking good I guess. I dunno. I usually try to include ...