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Some Stuff I Enjoy (Please Don't Go)

"These Are a Few of My Favorite Things"

   I don't know why I like these particular things, but I do. Memes and other things on the internet are my bread and jam. You'll either love these things with me, or you'll leave this blog never to return. At least my little brother enjoys some of these. I'll start with the strangest. The video is from Chris Kogos, and if you think Spongebob rots the brain, I turned out mostly okay.

   Another thing I like is minesweeper. I could play it all day while listening to music. You can play it here if you'd like. If you don't know how to play, you start by clicking a square to clear it. I usually click until I find a nice opening, after that it's all a puzzle until you get caught in a Russian Roulette again. Some squares have numbers and that number represents the number of mines in the 8 blocks surrounding that square. Once you're sure you've found a mine, you right-click the square to place a flag. That's pretty much it. Just keep going until you find every mine and clear the board. Expert mode I find to be the most fun. I also really like listening to music.

   I'm actually sort of shy when it comes to talking about the music I enjoy, I've always been that way and I don't know why. I like 90's Alt the most, but my taste ranges throughout the eras and genres. From Creedence Clearwater Revival to Metallica and Metallica to Red Hot Chili Peppers. I also like K-Love as long as we don't listen to it all the time (It's all that plays in our van). Sometimes I like to eat stuff while listening to some music. My taste for food is probably the strangest ever seen, according to my mom. I like ramen, pizza, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, steak, fried rice, fries, soy sauce, and bacon cheeseburgers. I eat more than these things, yes, but these are the best of the things I eat. 

   Lastly, and most importantly, I can't talk about my favorite things without talking about Jesus. Yeah, I know, I couldn't finish without mentioning Christ. Fully God, Fully man, sent here to die for a bunch of rebels out of love is pretty cool. Something that coincides with this is reading the bible and placing myself in the time. We as people are far more technological, but we haven't changed at all in 2000 years. We still mess up and we do it in just the same ways, so it's easy to place yourself in that sense, but there are some cultural and societal differences.

   If you want, you can leave some stuff you like in the comments, or you could explain everything that's wrong with me and provide your reason for leaving. I doubt I get many views now that blogging is over, but it's fun to pretend I do. Also, it just gives me something to do. Kartoffel Blitz, signing off. До свидания.


  1. My favorite things are: listening to music, painting, reading novels on rainy days, Jesus, and eating pretty much anything. I didn’t know that anyone actually played minesweeper, but I won’t leave your blog because you do lol!


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